How to remove sunscreen stains? | L&S Housekeeping

How to remove sunscreen stains?

How to remove sunscreen stains?

Protecting yourself by applying enough sunscreen is essential! But sometimes it leaves nasty stains on your clothes. How to remove sunscreen stains? You will find out in our blog.

How can you remove sunscreen stains?

Most sun creams or sunscreen oils are relatively greasy. To ensure the best removal of sunscreen stains, we will look at products that are degreasing.

  • Let a good stain remover or liquid detergent soak in on the stain. Afterwards, you can machine wash the garment according to the washing instructions.
  • Products that degrease very well are dishwashing detergents. They not only get your pots and pans clean, but can also remove stubborn sunscreen stains. Green soap would also be good for removing grease stains. Rub gently on the stain and let it soak in well.
  • Besides, a gloss rinse liquid that is used in dishwashers is also very effective to get stains out of your clothes. Let it soak in well and rinse thoroughly afterwards.
  • Finally, shampoo can also help get stains out of your clothes.

Did you already test all the remedies, but nothing worked? Then definitely consider visiting a dry cleaner for a professional cleaning.

Note: always follow the washing instructions.

remove sunscreen stains

What should you pay attention to?

If you want to remove sunscreen stains, pay attention to the following. Before drying a garment coming out of the washing machine, it is advised to check carefully whether the stain has effectively disappeared. Otherwise, you may risk the stain becoming permanent due to the heat of the dryer.

Also make sure not to use products that have a bleaching effect. On white clothes, this is less of an issue, but you wouldn’t want a white stain left on your purple T-shirt.

Want to know more about how to make yellowed cotton white again? Click here.

remove sunscreen stains

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